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L to R: Pam Grossman (University of Penn), Courtney Bell, Hannah Bijlsma (Radboud University), and Kirsti Klette (University of Oslo)


This page shares Dr. Bell’s selected publications. For a complete list, please see her CV (pdf).

Journal Articles

Bell, C., James, J., Taylor, E. S., & Wyckoff, J. (2024). Measuring returns to experience using supervisor ratings of observed performance: The case of classroom teachers. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 1–33. 

Mathews, H. M., Stark, K., Jones, N. D., & Bell, C. (2023). Surfacing Principals’ Beliefs About Instruction for Students With Disabilities: A Qualitative Analysis. Exceptional Children, 0(0).

Bell, C. A., & Gitomer, D. H. (2023). Building the field’s knowledge of teaching and learning: Centering the socio-cultural contexts of observation systems to ensure valid score interpretation. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 78.

Jones, N.D., Bell, C.A., Brownell, M., Qi, Y. Peyton, D., Pua, D., Fowler, M., & Holtzman, S. (2022). Using Classroom Observations in the Evaluation of Special Education Teachers. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 44(3), 429-457.

Morris-Mathews, H., Stark, K.R., Jones, N.D., Brownell, M.T., & Bell, C.A. (2021). Danielson’s Framework for Teaching: Convergence and divergence with conceptions of effectiveness in special education. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 54(1), 66-78.

Lewis, J.M., Reid, D.B., Bell, C.A., Jones, N.D., & Qi, Y. (2020). The mantle of agency: Principals’ use of teacher evaluation policy. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 21(2), 361-377.

Liu, S., Bell, C.A., Jones, N., McCaffrey, & D.F. (2019). Classroom observation systems in context: A case for the validation of observation systems. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 31(1), 31-61.

Bell, C.A., Dobbelaer, M., Klette, K., Visscher, A. (2018). Qualities of classroom observation systems. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 30(1), 3-29.

Bell, C.A., Jones, N.D., Qi, Y., & Lewis, J.M. (2018). Strategies for assessing classroom teaching: Examining administrator thinking as validity evidence. Educational Assessment, 23(4), 229-249.

Hafen, C. A., Hamre, B. K., Allen, J. P., Bell, C. A., Gitomer, D. H., & Pianta, R. C. (2015). Teaching through interactions in secondary school classrooms: Revisiting the factor structure and practical application of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System– Secondary. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 35(5-6), 651-680.

Gitomer, D.H., Bell, C.A., Qi, Y., McCaffrey, D.F., Hamre, B.K., & Pianta, R.C. (2014). The instructional challenge in improving teaching quality: Lessons from a classroom observation protocol. Teachers College Record, 116(6), 1-32.

Casabianca, J. M., McCaffrey, D. F., Gitomer, D. H., Bell, C. A., Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2013). Effect of observation mode on measures of secondary mathematics teaching. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73(5), 757-783.

Bell, C.A., Gitomer, D.H., McCaffrey, D., Hamre, B., Pianta, R., & Qi, Y. (2012). An argument approach to observation protocol validity. Educational Assessment, 17(2–3), 62-87.

Bell, C.A., & Youngs, P. (2011). Substance and show: Understanding responses to teacher education programme accreditation processes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(2), 298-307.

Bell, C.A., Wilson, S., Mc Coach, B., & Higgins, T. (2010). Measuring the effects of professional development: The case of Developing Mathematical Ideas. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 41(5), 479-512.

Sondergeld, T., Bell, C.A., & Leusner, D. (2010). Understanding how teachers engage in formative assessment. Teaching and Learning: The Journal of Natural Inquiry and Reflective Practice, 24(2), 72-86.

Bifulco, R., Cobb, C., & Bell, C. (2009). Can Interdistrict Choice Boost Student Achievement? The case of Connecticut. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 31(4), 323-345.

Bell, C. (2009a). All choices created equal? The role of choice sets in the selection of schools. Peabody Journal of Education, 84(2), 191-208.

Bell, C. (2009b). Geography in school choice. American Journal of Education, 155(4), 493-521.

Youngs, P. & Bell, C. (2009). When policy instruments combine to promote coherence: An analysis of Connecticut’s policies related to teacher quality. Journal of Education Policy, 24(4), 435–460.

Bell, C. (2007). Space and place: Urban parents’ geographic preferences for schools. The Urban Review, 39(2), 375-404.

Bell, C., Horn, B., & Roxas, K. (2007). We know it’s service, but what are they learning? Preservice teachers’ understandings of diversity. Equity and Excellence in Education, 40(2), 123-133.

Bell, C. (2006). Real options: The role of choice sets in the selection of schools. Teachers College Record, 9.

Arsen, D., Bell, C., & Plank, D. (2004). Who will turn around “failing” schools? A framework for institutional choice. Perspectives, 10, 1-20. 

Books & Chapters

Bell, C. A. (2022). Forward. In John Schwille, What would it take to make an ed school great? Voices from an unfinished revolution. Michigan State University Press. ISBN-13: 9781948314138

Bell, C. A. & Kane, M. T. (2022). Formative and summative teacher evaluation in social context. In J.Manzi, Sun, Y., Garcia, M.R. (Eds.)  Teacher evaluation around the world: Experiences, dilemmas, and future challenges (pp.9-38). Springer. ISBN-13: 978-3-031-13638-2

Bell, C. A. & Mislevy, R. (2021). Practice, feedback, argument, measurement:  A frame for understanding diverse perspectives on teaching assessments.  In Klette, K. & M. Tengberg (Eds.) Analysing teaching quality: Perspectives, principles and pitfalls.  Scandinavian University Press.

Bell, C. A. (2020).  Commentary regarding the section “Dimensions of teaching quality – Theoretical and empirical foundations”: Using warrants and alternative explanations to clarify next steps for the TDB model. In A.K. Praetorious, J. Grunkorn, & E. Klieme (Eds.), Empirical research on teaching quality: Theoretical foundations and quantitative models, 66th Supplement of Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (pp.56-62). Beltz. DOI: 10.3262 / ZPB2001056

Praetorious, A., Rogh, W., Bell, C.A., & Klieme, E. (2019). Methodological challenges in conducting international research on teaching quality using standardized observations. In L. Suter, E. Smith & B.D. Denman (Eds.), Sage handbook on comparative studies in education: Practices and experiences in student schooling and learning (pp.269-288). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781526484635

Gitomer, D. H. & Bell, C. A. (Eds.). (2016). Handbook of Research on Teaching, 5th Edition. American Educational Research Association. DOI: 10.3102/978-0-935302-48-6

Gitomer, D. H., & Bell, C. A. (2016). Introduction. In D.H. Gitomer and C.A. Bell (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching (5th Ed, pp.1-6). American Educational Research Association. ISBN: 978-0-935302-47-9

Bell, C. A., Qi, Y., Croft, A. J., Leusner, D., McCaffrey, D. F., Gitomer, D. H., & Pianta, R. C. (2014). Improving observational score quality: Challenges in observer thinking. In T. J. Kane, K. A. Kerr & R. C. Pianta (Eds.), Designing teacher evaluation systems: New guidance from the Measures of Effective Teaching Project (pp.50-97). Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 978-1118834350

Gitomer, D.H., & Bell, C.A. (2013). Evaluating teaching and teachers. In K. F. Geisinger (Ed.), APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology (Vol. 3, pp.415–444). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Cobb, C, Bifulco, R., & Bell, C. (2011). Legally viable desegregation strategies: The case of Connecticut. In E. Frankenberg & E. Debray-Pelot (Eds.), Integrating schools in a changing society: New policies and legal options for a multiracial generation. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN: 978-0-8078-6920-8

Bell, C. (2008). Social class differences in school choice: The role of preferences.  In W. Feinberg & C. Lubienski (Eds.), School choice policies and outcomes (pp.121-148). SUNY. ISBN: 978-0-7914-7571-3

Wilson, S., Bell, C., Galosy, J., & Shouse, A. (2004). “Them that’s got shall get”: Understanding teacher recruitment, induction, and retention. In M.A. Smylie & Miretzky, D. (Eds.), Developing the teacher workforce: 103rd Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (pp.145-179). The University of Chicago Press.


Jones, N.D., Bell, C.A., Qi, Y., Lewis, J.M., Kirui, D., Stickler, L., & Redash, A. (2021). Certified to evaluate: Exploring administrator accuracy and beliefs in teacher observation. (Research Report). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Bell, C.A. (2021).  The development of the study observation coding system. In OECD (Ed.) Global teaching insights technical report (Ch. 4). Paris: OECD.  [Archived:]

Bell, C.A. (2021).  Rating teaching components and indicators of video observations. In OECD (Ed.) Global teaching insights technical report (Ch. 6). Paris: OECD. [Archived:]

Bell, C.A., Klieme, E., & Praetorius, A-K. (2021).  Conceptualizing teaching quality into six study domains for the study. In OECD (Ed.) Global teaching insights technical report (Ch. 2). Paris: OECD.  [Archived:]

Castellano, K.E. & Bell, C.A. (2021).  Video component score characteristics. In OECD (Ed.) Global teaching insights technical report (Ch. 19). Paris: OECD.  [Archived:]

Castellano, K.E. & Bell, C.A. (2021).  Video indicator score characteristics. In OECD (Ed.) Global teaching insights technical report (Ch. 20). Paris: OECD.  [Archived:]

Bell, C.A., Castellano, K.E., & Klieme, E. (2020). Classroom management.  Global teaching insights study policy report (Ch. 3).  Paris: OECD.

Bell, C.A., Klieme, E & Castellano, K.E. (2020). Social-emotional support.  Global teaching insights study policy report (Ch. 4).  Paris: OECD.

Bell, C.A., Schweig, J., Castellano, K.E., Klieme, E., & Stecher, B.M. (2020). Instruction.  Global teaching insights study policy report (Ch. 5).  Paris: OECD.

Opfer, V.D., Bell, C.A., Klieme, E., McCaffrey, D.F., Schweig, J., & Stecher, B.M. (2020). Understanding and measuring mathematical practice.  Global teaching insights study policy report (Ch. 2).  Paris: OECD.

Bell, C. A., Gitomer, D. H. Savage, C., & McKenna, A. H. (2019). A synthesis of research on and measurement of STEM teacher preparation. American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Bell, C. A., White, R. S., & White, M. E. (2018). A systems view of California’s teacher education pipeline. Stanford University.

Qi, Y., Bell, C. A., Jones, N., Lewis, J. M., Witherspoon, M., & Redash, A. (2018). Administrators’ uses of an observation protocol in different rating contexts. (Research Report No. RR-18-18). Educational Testing Service.

Bell, C., Jones, N., Lewis, J., Qi, Y., Stickler, L., Liu, S., & McLeod, M. (2016). Understanding consequential assessment systems of teaching: Year 1 final report to Los Angeles Unified School District (Research Memorandum No. RM-16-12). Educational Testing Service.

Witherspoon, M., Sykes, G., Bell, C. A. (2016). Leading a Classroom Discussion: Definition, Supporting Evidence, and Measurement of the ETS National Observational Teaching Examination (NOTE) Assessment Series (Research Memorandum  RM-16-09). Educational Testing Service.

Bell, C., Jones, N., Lewis, J., Qi, Y., Kirui, D., Stickler, L., & Liu, S. (2015). Understanding consequential assessment systems of teaching: Year 2 final report to Los Angeles Unified School District (Research Memorandum No. RM-15-12). Educational Testing Service.

Bell, C.A., Jones, N.D., Lewis, J., Qi, Y., Liu, S., & McLeod, M. (2013a). Understanding Consequential Assessment Systems for Teachers: Year 1 Preliminary Report. Los Angeles Unified School District.

Bifulco, R., Cobb, C., & Bell, C. (2009). Evaluation of Connecticut’s Open Choice Program.  CT State Department of Education.

Bifulco, R., Cobb, C., & Bell, C. (2008). Evaluation of Connecticut’s Interdistrict Magnet Schools. State Department of Education.

Bell, C., Bifulco, R., & Cobb, C. (2008). Evaluation of Connecticut’s Project Choice Early Beginnings Program. CT State Department of Education.

Little, O., Goe, L., Bell, C. (2008). Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness: A Practical Guide.  National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.

Goe, L, Bell, C., Little, O. (2008). Approaches to evaluating teacher effectiveness: A research synthesis. National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.

Bell, C., Bifulco, R., & Cobb, C. (2006). Connecticut Interdistrict Magnet and State Charter School Report. CT State Department of Education.

Dougherty, J., Estevez, N., Wanzer, J., Tatem, D., Bell, C. A., Cobb, C., &  Esposito, C. (2006). A Visual Guide to Sheff v. O’Neill School Desegregation. The Cities, Suburbs and Schools Research Project at Trinity College and the University of Connecticut Center for Education Policy Analysis.

Green, R., Griffore, R., Hall, R., Bell, C., Livingston, J., & Lewis, K. (2003). A Progress Report: School improvement in the Detroit Public Schools. Phase III focus groups.  Michigan State University.

Sykes, G. & Bell, C. (2002). Reform within a reform: Charter school accountability. American Federation of Teachers.

Working Papers

Bartanen, B., Bell, C., James, J., Taylor, E.S., & Wyckoff, J.H. (2023). “Refining” Our Understanding of Early Career Teacher Skill Development: Evidence From Classroom Observations. (EdWorkingPaper No. 23-845). Retrieved from Annenberg Institute at Brown University:

Bell, C., James, J., Taylor, E. S., & Wyckoff, J. H. (2023, January). Measuring returns to experience using supervisor ratings of observed performance: The case of classroom teachers. (NBER Working Paper No. 30888).

Bell, C. A., Phelps, G., McCaffrey, D., Liu, S., Weren, B., Glazer, N., & Forzani, F. (2023, February). Simulating classroom interactions at scale for the improvement of practice-based teacher education (Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin–Madison Working Paper No. 2022-3).

Bell, C. A. (2005, October). All choice created equal?: How good parents select “failing” schools (National Center for the Study of Privitization in Education, Teachers College, Columbia University).